Monday, August 17, 2009

A picture says 1,000 words...

Unless it only needs to say two.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A-Rod jammed up by fans

Speaks for itself. Code 4

Friday, April 24, 2009

Caption this Jam Up

"The chairman lobbied for years to close comic book stores, but was denied by his colleagues on Friday."


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Who is jamming up who?

Take a look to your right. Is Cory Maggette jamming up Don Nelson, or vice versa?

And, take a look at the dude in the blue, just over Maggette's back. Doesn't he kind of look like he's getting in on it?

I would love to see Maggette's face to find out if he's got a little smirk going. Classic!

I don't know, I'll call it a Code 2, just for kicks.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Wire a great example of The Jam Up

I just finished watching the entire series of HBO’s “The Wire” on DVD. All five seasons in about three months.

I mention this on The Jam Up blog because, well, “The Wire” is an incredible piece of television that records Jam Ups in progress – and even uses the term on at least four solid occasions that I can recall.

I’ll start by saying “The Wire” jammed me up by being such a good show. I was literally a zombie for three months because I stayed up late to watch episode after episode of this show.

Next, I’ll discuss the three occasions that I recall the phrase Jam Up being used perfectly (credit goes to colleague DT who got me watching “The Wire” and noticed The Jam Up on these episodes before me.) – then I’ll get to some instances where the show gave prime examples (being careful not to give anything away for people that have not seen it.)

Instance #1 – In the third season Carver tells his unit that one of the department’s majors would always have an officer’s back “when you get jammed up.”

Instance #2– In season 4, Body uses the phrase in a discussion with McNulty on a park bench (being vague here so that I don’t give away plot lines).

Instance #3 – A reporter from the Sun complains to Pearlman that the DA’s office didn’t notify the paper about a press conference. Pearlman said she called a reporter and left a message. The reporter tells her that person was no longer at the Sun, hands Pearlman his business card and says “Don’t jam me up like that again.”

I know there’s a fourth one between instance one and two, but can’t recall who said it. I remember laughing though.

So, now the show itself.

* The entire show is based on McNulty jamming up his bosses and going straight to a judge to get a wire tap started. McNulty plays a great Chauncey, and he does an even better job of jamming up the Baltimore Police Department in Season 2 when he makes sure a bunch of murders go up on their board – not the state police.

* Of course, Rawls jams up McNulty too with his new assignment.

* Herc is a good Chauncey too. Herc’s everyday life on the job jams people up. Like when he jammed up the whole unit when he tried to get a desk into the office. He jammed up Randy and Carver in season 4, he jammed up Levy in season 5.

* Freamon jams up Pearlman and Daniels in all of Season 5.

* Carchetti jams up the City of Baltimore constantly in order to keep himself politically solvent. Carchetti also jams up his colleague on the council with his run for mayor.

*Colvin jams up the bosses with his “experiment.”

* Duquon jams up Prez in Season 5..

*The homicide unit jams up Greggs on her first day.

*Bubbles jams up Herc in revenge for Herc jamming up Bubs when Bubs wanted Herc to help him jam up that dude on the street that keeps beating him up.

* Omar’s entire plotline for most of the series is jamming up Barksdale’s crews.

*Clay Davis jams up Stringer Bell on the biz side of life.

Any more you all can add?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thristing for Jam Up pics

I've been really hurting for quality Jam Up photos as I scan through various media lately.

These aren't classics, but some are pretty good. Two are from last night's Warriors vs. Kings game - but the first one is just a dude who just really looks Jammed Up. There is no Chauncey in the photo, but still a pretty good Fisher here.

On the the Kings/Warriors. The first pic here Corey Maggette is getting the ball smashed back in his face. He almost seems to find it comical, but the look on Francisco Garcia's face is one superiority and uber confidence, like "in your face Maggette."

The next shot is John Salmons nailing a game-winning shot in the third overtime. Andris Biedrins is obviously jammed up, and Salmons has a nice Kirk Cameron-ish fist pump going. If only he could have mustered a more Chauncey-like smile.