Deb used to jam everybody up in the most passive aggressive manner known to man. It was the same Jam Up situation every time where she would say how great something was, but would add how there was at least one part of that "great thing" she could have "done without."
For example, I remember specifically a time when she went to a company-wide conference where a guest speaker rallied everybody up with a motivational speech. She came back saying this:
"It was awesome! It was so great, just awesome. Could have done without all the swearing, but other than that, it was awesome."
She would go out to a sales call at a new business in town and come back with this.
"That business is so awesome! I know there are 20 other hair dressers in town, but this one is so awesome! I could have done without the owner calling me a bitch and making me leave, but other than that, it's awesome!"And all of this she says trying to be completely genuine.
That my friends is the passive aggressive Jam Up.