Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Street Jamming everybody up

Wall Street is indeed jamming up the entire nation right now, and it's all due to Mortgage brokers and banks jamming up Wall Street during the huge real estate boom in the early 2000's.

This photo by the AP (A Code 4 - I'll explain later) is one of many jam ups that can be found online today because the Dow dropped 700 points after the House denied Pres. Bush's $700 billion bailout plan

Why a Code 4? It's simple. The dude to the left is pointing (with slight smirk) to something that is obviously jamming up Blue Tie. The guy to the right of the Blue Tie is smirking, obviously in on the Jam Up. Gray beard may or may not be in the know. It's hard to tell.

Blue Tie's face is an obvious initial reaction. He may get more pissed, and it's highly doubtful he'll be laughing this off later.

1 comment:

edog said...

Oh I think Gray Beard is also involved in the Jamming up of Blue Tie - face doesn't look distressful. You got two guys obviously jamming up and one being jammed hard and he is siding with the Jammers. It's a simple numbers game.