However, here's the caption that went with this CLASSIC shot to your right.
Basketball great Earvin 'Magic' Johnson, seen here in May 2008, was outraged Friday after two Minnesota radio talk show hosts accused him of faking that he had contracted HIV, which can lead to AIDS.So, while at first glance, this photo looks like an incomplete Jam Up - it is indeed full fledged. I'm calling it Code 2 - a major downgrade because the allegations come from a couple idiots on the radio who are trying to be controversial.
can you please identify the jamup that is happening out in oakland? did monta ellis jamup the warriors? did monta ellis get jammed up by a moped? is the warriors brass jamming up the warriors fans by suspending ellis for 30 games? baron davis jammed up the entire bay area sports scene with his move south... of course he then got jammed up by elton brand, so i guess he got what was coming to him.
p.s. check out "this is jeoparrdy" which is my little blog.
Good question edwardallen. The thing about Monta is that I don't think anybody's really jamming anybody up. To be a true Jam Up, somebody comes out ahead. I don't think anybody comes out ahead in the Monta scenario, and while F-ed up, is not a Jam Up per say.
It's open for debate. Elton Brand did Jam Up Baron though - getting him to come to LA and then bolting - Brand got his, Baron was left with a Fisher Face.
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