Friday, October 3, 2008

A reader writes in: Al Davis jamming up the Raiders

Can an NFL owner jam up his own team? DeezNuts from Portland, OR writes in:

I hate the raiders and always have, but gotta feel sorry for the team. Since the release of Jon Gruden as coach, the team has been completely mislead including coaching assignments as well as drafts & free agent pick-ups. There are some examples of solid free agent pick-ups that ended up not working out, simply because of the shotty leadership of the club (e.g. Sapp, Moss).

If Al Davis doesn't turn this around (i.e. sell the team), then I'm afraid some newcomers will have a tough career (maybe a short career) including Jamarcus Russell. Too bad...
I think you're right DeezNuts. Al Davis is jamming up the Raiders, and it's at minimum a Code 3 Jam Up. The only reason it's not Code 4 is because Al is also jamming himself up, and because he's so old and senile, I'm not sure he has full comprehension of what he's doing.

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