Sunday, December 14, 2008

Auto unions Jam Up Americans

The man to your right is Tennessee Senator Bob Corker. It isn't quite Fisher face, but this man is being Jammed Up with the rest of America by the auto unions.

Corker and his fellow senators tried to give GM and Chrysler $14 billion after said company's CEOs begged and begged to be bailed out of their crappy financial situation.

The House said sure. The Senate, said, OK, we'll give you the money but stop overpaying your workers to build shitty cars that nobody buys. Your business model sucks, and if you look at Toyota and Honda, you can build build cars that people buy and make money off it.

The union then said, NO, and the rest of the nation said JESUS CHRIST!!!!

Beggers can't be choosers. America doesn't want to lose the auto industry and get people laid off. The union though ,would rather everybody get laid off then get the industry bailed out.

Now Pres. Bush wants to give the auto companies part of the $700 billion we were supposed to be giving financial institutions.

The Unions are going Chauncey on America. They get to overpay their workers on our our dime. It's bullshit. The auto industry needs to be bailed out. It's best for America. But these asses better start making some concessions or America just needs to jam them up and let GM and Chrysler go bankrupt.

I'm calling it Code 4 based on the magnitude of the situation.

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