Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Did Pennington Jam Up Favre?

Chad Pennington jammed up the Jets for sure - I think beating the team that cut you in the last game of the season to determine who wins the division and makes the playoff is a nice Jam Up. Pennington did that.

But my question is, did Pennington Jam Up Brett Favre? Favre jams up everybody. That's what Favre does. It's his job. I could argue that Favre jammed up ESPN by not making the playoffs. Without being able to report on all things Brett Favre, what is ESPN to do during the playoffs?

So, in getting back to Pennington I don't think the Favre v. Pennington thing is personal .However, did he, as he beat the Jets (a Jam Up) jam up Favre by not letting Favre jam up the rest of the world via ESPN with a playoff run?

I know this is convuluted, but we need to know.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reporter jams up Lions coach

Lions Coach Rod Marinelli was jammed up on Sunday after the Lions fell to 0-15. Not because of the bad record, but because columnist Rob Parker grilled him about the job his son-in-law Joe Barry is doing as the Lions d-coordinator.

"Do you wish your daughter had married a better defensive coordinator," Parker asked at the post game press conference. Click on the YouTube to watch the whole thing. Marinelli looks pretty jammed up, and while you can't see Parker, he said later that he was joking.

Now, ignore the analysis from the ex-player crew on Fox saying Parker should be fired from his job. That's a bunch of crap. Since Marinelli constantly avoided real questions about Barry's skill as a coach, I think even in mocking, the question serves what fans are thinking.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Auto unions Jam Up Americans

The man to your right is Tennessee Senator Bob Corker. It isn't quite Fisher face, but this man is being Jammed Up with the rest of America by the auto unions.

Corker and his fellow senators tried to give GM and Chrysler $14 billion after said company's CEOs begged and begged to be bailed out of their crappy financial situation.

The House said sure. The Senate, said, OK, we'll give you the money but stop overpaying your workers to build shitty cars that nobody buys. Your business model sucks, and if you look at Toyota and Honda, you can build build cars that people buy and make money off it.

The union then said, NO, and the rest of the nation said JESUS CHRIST!!!!

Beggers can't be choosers. America doesn't want to lose the auto industry and get people laid off. The union though ,would rather everybody get laid off then get the industry bailed out.

Now Pres. Bush wants to give the auto companies part of the $700 billion we were supposed to be giving financial institutions.

The Unions are going Chauncey on America. They get to overpay their workers on our our dime. It's bullshit. The auto industry needs to be bailed out. It's best for America. But these asses better start making some concessions or America just needs to jam them up and let GM and Chrysler go bankrupt.

I'm calling it Code 4 based on the magnitude of the situation.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The passive aggressive Jam Up

This post is inspired by two things - this blog and a former co-worker of the Commish, Big Mike and E-dog back in the Rocklin office. We'll just call this former co-worker Deb.

Deb used to jam everybody up in the most passive aggressive manner known to man. It was the same Jam Up situation every time where she would say how great something was, but would add how there was at least one part of that "great thing" she could have "done without."

For example, I remember specifically a time when she went to a company-wide conference where a guest speaker rallied everybody up with a motivational speech. She came back saying this:

"It was awesome! It was so great, just awesome. Could have done without all the swearing, but other than that, it was awesome."

She would go out to a sales call at a new business in town and come back with this.

"That business is so awesome! I know there are 20 other hair dressers in town, but this one is so awesome! I could have done without the owner calling me a bitch and making me leave, but other than that, it's awesome!"
And all of this she says trying to be completely genuine.

That my friends is the passive aggressive Jam Up.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Commish jams up blog readers, McNabb jammed up by OT

First, I have to take my lumps. I've been jamming up you - faithful readers of The Jam Up - by not posting anything here in quite some time. I know you're at your computer everyday hitting refresh in 10 minute intervals, just waiting for a fresh Jam Up. And yes, that is funny to me so I am the Chauncey and you have been wearing Fisher Face.

Speaking of Chauncey, it should be recognized here that he has moved on - traded from the Pistons to the Nuggets. I believe that the people of Denver are going to soon learn (if they haven't already) Chauncey's charm.

Now, on to a relevant Jam Up. It was brought to my attention during SportsCenter yesterday that Philadelphia Eagles QB Donovan McNabb had no clue -- no stinkin clue -- that an NFL game would end in a tie if nobody scores after a full 15 minutes of overtime. Are you kidding me? McNabb was jammed up by the rule book?

And of course after this admission, everybody got on his case - jamming him up with a giggle left and right. "What, McNabb never wondered why the Falcons were 9-6-1 a couple years ago?"

I was hesitant to call this a Jam Up, but it has now been re-appraised as a Code 1. Think of how McNabb must have felt when the refs told him the game was over, and it was tied.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reebok jams up Nike

From the San Jose Mercury News:

Marketing can be a nasty business. That's when we love it the most.

Last month in San Francisco, an elementary school teacher named Arien O'Connell ran the fast time at the Nike Women's Marathon. But because she didn't run in the elite group, she wasn't recognized as the winner. After a few days of embarrassment, Nike retreated and called O'Connell "a winner," but the damage was done.

Most of it, anyway. Thursday afternoon, representatives of Reebok visited Children Charter School in Brooklyn. They gave O'Connell free shoes every month for a year, T-shirts for her class and $2,500 to the school.

They also gave her a trophy titled the F.U.N. Award, recognizing her as the "winner and heroine of non-elite runners everywhere."

F.U.N. Are we correct in our guess about what that stands for, with the N being "Nike"?

"No, but that would be awesome if it did — I didn't think of that," Reebok spokesman Jonathan Schecter wrote. "Well played. It's just spelled like that to accentuate it. It doesn't stand for anything."

Mm-hmm, right.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Code 4 - Fisher gets it again.

This video is true Code 4 that will be placed in the Hall-of-Fame.Derek Fisher jammed up again after losing in the NBA Finals.

Watch the first 10 second or so of the video below.

This video displays great Jam Up form .Watch Kevin Garnett put his head back and enjoy the Jam Up. Michael Strahan joins the party - but then, you get to poor Fisher whose fame from the Gold Standard precedes him.

Man, Fisher really is the Lakers' whipping boy. This is an awards show. Could they have panned to Kobe Bryant? Lamar Odom? Phil Jackson? No, when there's a Jam Up in LA, all you get is Fisher Face.

Texas Tech fan jams up Texas QB

Texas Tech beat No. 1 Texas on Saturday, but Big Mike reports the real winner was a random Red Raiders fan who jammed up the Texas QB after the game.

Fast Foward to the 9 minute mark of the YouTube clip below for the full Jam Up.

The Jam Up knows no bounds

Not in a million years did I ever think I would be typing a Laura Bush jams up Greg Oden post, but here we are. This pic is compelling evidence that the Jam Up can be implemented by anybody, anytime, anywhere.

I don't know what this Odd Couple is watching right now, but Oden is having none of it. Bush is obviously pleased.

Now, Edog sent this in and wanted to call it Code 3. I'm not making a call just yet, but seeking guidance on this rating. The photo itself screams Code 3. There's a Chauncey and a Fisher, and it being the unbelievable scenario of Laura Bush and Greg Oden only makes it that much better. so Edog is right on in initial reaction.

But in thinking about it further and conferring with DT over here, Code 3 may be a little heavy handed. DT mentions that Laura Bush "always looks like that," and suggested that Greg Oden could also very well "always look like that." I mentioned that maybe somebody told an unfunny joke that Bush laughed at to be diplomatic, but young Oden doesn't play that game. DT suggested that perhaps Oden - who barely finished his freshman year in college - just doesn't get the joke.

Don't get me wrong here. This is a classic Jam Up that shows that the Jam Up can be found anywhere. Please weigh in on your rankings.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Governator jams up Obama, calling him "scrawny."

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger provided a classic Jam Up of Sen. Barack Obama, calling him "scrawny," noting that he needs to do some squats for his skinny legs.

The Republican governor then said Sen. John McCain is "built like a rock."

Funny, funny stuff from Arnold right there. A nice Code 3 Jam Up.

Click here for the full story.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sideline reporter jammed up - but who's the Chauncey?

Who is Fox Sports sideline reporter Danyelle Sargent's, Chauncey? This newscaster is constantly getting jammed up.

In an interview with new 49ers coach Mike Singletary on Sunday, Sargent suggested that Bill Walsh was his mentor and that Walsh was the first to call him with congratulations on getting the Niners job. Well, as we know, Bill Walsh died last year, and was not Singletary's mentor.

From my view, this was a classic case of a producer who thinks Sargent is an idiot (she is, by the way, an idiot) and gave her bad info. A Jam Up of epic proportions. Somebody in the booth laughing hysterically as Sargent made a fool of herself in front of a Hall of Famer. We don't know who Chauncey is in this case - but good work friend. Good work.

But then, we found this on YouTube. Sargent got jammed up again - by again, a Chauncey who isn't identified.

If you skipped over it, Sargent is first unclear of what she's supposed to say. Obviously, she's jammed up because her teleprompter is turned off or something. This in turn jams up the dude next to her, but that's not our focus here.

Later in the telecast, she yells "what the fuck was that" as the dude is orating some college hoops highlights. Obviously, somebody off camera messing with Ms. Sargent. Classic, classic stuff.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Volunteering can lead to unintended Jam Ups

This comes from avid Steelers fan Big Mike regarding James Harrison's big mistake to volunteer as a long snapper - eventually losing the Steelers the game. My commentary (I disagree with Big Mike some here on how big of a Jam Up this is) is below.

How Volunteering can lead to a jam up!
After Steelers long snapper Greg Warren was carted off the field in Sunday's loss to the Giants, All Pro line back James Harrison volunteered for the job. Although having absolutely no experience at either the center or long snapper position, Harrison thought he could help his team in their time of need. With the Steelers nursing a 14-12 fourth quarter lead against the Giants, Mr. Harrison was sent out to snap the ball to punter Mitch Berger deep in their own territory. Harrison proceeded to snap the ball about 10 feet over Berger's head. Manute Bol probably could have not fielded the snap. The errant snap by Harrison gave the Giants a two point safety, a tie, the ball, and eventually the game.
The next time Harrison goes up to coach Mike Tomlin and volunteers for anything other than playing linebacker, I hope Tomlin tells him to go "fuck himself".

Indeed, people get Jammed Up often by people who think they are capable of performing a task they just cannot. James Harrison thought he could help his team, he ended up helping them lose. But, in the end, it's not a true Jam Up. Harrison isn't happy about the loss. He's not happy he made a bad snap. To be a true Jam Up, there needs to be a Chauncey and a Fisher. There are many Fisher's here - the Steelers, the fans, even Harrison himself. There is no Chauncey here. Sorry Big Mike. I can't call it a Jam Up.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Zito Jams Up SF Giants fans

It could be argued that Barry Zito jammed up the Giants for $126 million two years ago, but his newest venture cements his efforts to hand it to San Francisco.

Less than a month after the Giants season - a year in which Zito put up a pathetic 10-17 record, he's going to get his own billboard in SF. A model for a jeans company.

I'm all for athletes getting endorsements. The jean company claims to not even know who Zito is, but let's get to the real problem here: Giants fans want their $126M man on billboards representin' the orange and black. Or at least something to do with baseball. Instead, his 10-17 (21-30 overall) ass gets a billboard as a pretty boy jeans model.

Am I taking this one too personally as a Giants fan? I'm calling it Code 2.

BTW - thanks to our friend Front Office Boy for the Zito pic.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Favre cementing his Hall of Fame status

It's being reported that Brett Favre has been calling the opponents of the Green Bay Packers this year, providing them with scouting reports on his former team.

Here's the full report from Fox Sports' Jay Glazer.

Favre has already been given consideration for the Jam Up Hall of Fame because he's been jamming up the world with his pseudo-retirement act and his inability to stay out of the media spotlight. Other notable Farve Jam Up victims include Tony Romo, Aaron Rodgers, the Green Bay Packers and fanbase (multiple counts), and each and every ESPN viewer.

Now, he Jams Up the Packers again by volunteering scouting reports to their opponents. Doesn't Favre have a game of his own to worry about each week. Maybe if he spent less time telling the Detroit Lions how to defend Green Bay's running attack - Favre could, oh I don't know, beat the Raiders.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Not Hitler's biggest Jam Up, but...

Big Mike is a prolific contributor today - sending in this solid pic of Hitler jamming up France. Sure, Hitler has bigger items on his Jam Up resume (will try to be tasteful, because racial profiling and the Holocaust isn't funny), but the world's most historic hater taking a photo opp at France's biggest tourist attraction isn't doing that country any favors either.

Toadstool always jammed up Mario

This comes via a co-worker of Jam Up guru Big Mike - and we here agree whole heartedly.

Mario worked his ass off to drop the dragon into the fiery pit to save the princess, but through every level (until the end of course) Toadstool is there to tell him the princess is gone. First - what's Toadstool doing hanging around? Why doesn't he/she save the princess. Always there - never any help.

For nostalgia's sake, I'm calling it Code 2 (it's also a video game - what, you want to find the princess on the first level?)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brett Favre Jams Up Tony Romo

I'm toying with the idea of opening a Jam Up Hall of Fame, and Brett Favre is making serious run to be the second member inducted (Chauncey will be inducted first, of course).

We all know Favre jammed up the Packers the past couple of years with his whole I'm gonna retire, I'm not gonna retire, I'll let you know the day before the season starts if I'm going to retire act.

But this week, he took it upon himself to Jam Up Dallas QB Tony Romo.

Romo broke his pinky last week against Arizona. The team said he'd be out 4 weeks. That is, until Favre decided to call up Romo's cell to tell him he once played with a broken thumb, and he should man up.

Thanks Brett. Glad it's your business Brett. Good looking out for Romo's health, Brett. Why do you care, Brett?

I say all this, hoping Romo does play. He's my Fantasy Football QB. But, let's be serious. Favre is one of the All-Time Jam Up artists. He loves being the center of attention, and the media is happy to accomodate his Jam Up attempts at all times.

AIG jamming up the government bailouts

AIG - one of the financial firms that has taken billions in government bailouts recently is perfecting the Jam Up.

Last week, it was revealed that the firm spent $440,000 on a party for its top employees. That, after it took $85B in taxpayer money as it spiraled toward bankruptcy.

Nonetheless, our guv gave AIG another $30B. No way they do it again, right?


AIG just got caught again. It spent $86,000 on a European hunting trip.

Now that's perfecting the art of the Jam Up.

Code 1, but still fun

This isn't a major Jam Up. For one, debates are all about Jam Ups. And second, Obama is probably just trying to look good on TV.

However, Obama does have a "I am kicking your ass" look to him here. Sort of a "I really hope you're going to talk about health care or energy policy right now, because your plans really bite."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Jam Ups don't recognize party lines

I'm not sure how I want to rank this pic (courtesy of Edog) but it really does appear that Bush is proudly jamming up McCain here (at least saying something that McCain is very much against). The Maverick is even staring "W" down pretty hard, probably contemplating taking corrective action.

I have a tough time ranking it, but I'm saying Code 2 minimum, and I'm leaning towards a Code 3. This photo proves that the Jam Up denounces partisanship and will happily stay within or cross party lines to make sure somebody look like a tool.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Magic jammed up by HIV

Actually, Magic has been jamming up HIV by not being sick since he made the announcement on my 13th birthday, Nov. 7, 1991.

However, here's the caption that went with this CLASSIC shot to your right.

Basketball great Earvin 'Magic' Johnson, seen here in May 2008, was outraged Friday after two Minnesota radio talk show hosts accused him of faking that he had contracted HIV, which can lead to AIDS.
So, while at first glance, this photo looks like an incomplete Jam Up - it is indeed full fledged. I'm calling it Code 2 - a major downgrade because the allegations come from a couple idiots on the radio who are trying to be controversial.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Judges can get into the Jam Up too

A judge in Ohio jammed up a man who was arrested for playing rap music too loud.

The judge requested he listen to 20 hours of classical music in order to reduce his fine from $150 to $35. The defendant only last 15 minutes according to the Associated Press.

Click here for the story.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Is Lehman Bros. CEO a Jam Up victim? Or are people just angry at him

Time for serious discussion, folks.

Lehman Brothers CEO Richard S. Fuld has been grilled by Congress - and mad people with pink sheets of paper - the past couple days. He's allegedly accepted $480 million (he says under $250M) in bonus money as his financial firm spiraled toward bankruptcy (he was also lobbying for a government bailout as he collected his millions.)

Congress, and most Americans, have a huge problem with that seeing as taxpayers are now footing the bill. Fuld was taken to task by both Congress and a former employee who punched him in the face at the gym.

So here's the discussion:
Is Fuld being jammed up (under most circumstances, this photo would be at least Code 3)? Or is he just feeling the wrath of karma and greed?

Under optimum conditions, a Jam Up is delivered by somebody who is in a jovial mood - their day just got better because they jammed somebody up (refer to the Gold Standard). But, when the potential Jam Up is fueled by anger, I fail to recognize it as such.

There's a difference between a Jam Up and somebody getting their Come up'ins. This photo is not a Jam Up.

Discuss. (NOTE: The blog now allows anomymous bloggers. Feel free to contribute in that fashion.)

Presidential race is all about the Jam Up

In reality, becoming president has very little to do with policy, the issues, debates, or anything like that.

In reality, the winner is he who perfects the Jam Up. If you can Jam Up your opponent often enough, and with enough tenacity, you win the White House.

I've been looking for good shots of the candidates jamming each other up. This is a nice look at John McCain very pleased, and Barack Obama, clearly disgruntled by the situation. Score this one for the Maverick.

This blog is open to any and all candidate Jam Ups. If you find them, send them along please.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Jam Up or not a Jam Up?

For some context, this is a photo of Barry Bonds' former trainer and childhood friend Greg Anderson - who is of course tied to the BALCO steroids scandal.

Contributor Edog e-mailed this photo in, a shot of Anderson possibly getting jammed up the pink shirted woman as he heads in to court.

I'd like to seek opinion though? Does this photo depict a Jam Up? Or not?

Anderson, for his part, has undoubtably been jammed up by Bonds. He has been in-and-out of the slammer the past few years in order to protect Bonds' steroid-using ways. So, the question is whether on not this photo alone calls for a Jam Up, and if so, at what level?

I say Code 1 at best, but feel free to argue.

Ford Jamming up Teens

Well, I guess it's more of Ford enabling parents to Jam Up their teenage drivers.

According to this report Ford is making it possible for parents to program a computer chip, to put caps on how fast their teen can drive and how loud they can play the stereo.

That's what every 16-year-old dreams about. "Here's your new Mustang, Johnny. Have fun going 55, and don't bother getting a speaker upgrade - it won't matter."

I'm calling it a Code 2 for now, because parents haven't done it yet. Ford, though, is not winning anyone over with this one. Why don't they just install a breathalyzer too.

Friday, October 3, 2008

A reader writes in: Al Davis jamming up the Raiders

Can an NFL owner jam up his own team? DeezNuts from Portland, OR writes in:

I hate the raiders and always have, but gotta feel sorry for the team. Since the release of Jon Gruden as coach, the team has been completely mislead including coaching assignments as well as drafts & free agent pick-ups. There are some examples of solid free agent pick-ups that ended up not working out, simply because of the shotty leadership of the club (e.g. Sapp, Moss).

If Al Davis doesn't turn this around (i.e. sell the team), then I'm afraid some newcomers will have a tough career (maybe a short career) including Jamarcus Russell. Too bad...
I think you're right DeezNuts. Al Davis is jamming up the Raiders, and it's at minimum a Code 3 Jam Up. The only reason it's not Code 4 is because Al is also jamming himself up, and because he's so old and senile, I'm not sure he has full comprehension of what he's doing.

We usually love it when Duke gets Jammed Up

This pic comes courtesy of Jam Up enthusiast and North Carolina alumnus DT. DT loves it when Duke gets Jammed Up, obviously.

This shot shows a Duke player in obvious pain while two West Virgina players dry hump behind him. A jam up indeed. Code 2, though, because NCAA tourney wins are legit cause for celebration - and let's face it - it's no Chauncey.

The weak dollar is jamming up America

The value of the American dollar keeps slipping, something that probably won't be helped by today's $700 billion bailout of financial institutions by the U.S. government.

The dollar is weak, and this guy in the photo is obviously being jammed up by these dollar bills, which have been bitten into.

It's a Code 1, but a Jam Up nonetheless.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pres. Bush seems to get jammed up a lot

Our fair Pres. George W. Bush always seems to find a way to get Jammed Up. Whether it's the Daily Show, YouTube, Will Ferrell on SNL or as seen here, Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

I'm calling this a Code 3 because there's a strong chance this Jam Up is part of a good-natured ribbing. However, Pelosi Jams W. Up so often in normal political settings, it's borderline Code 4. Any thoughts?

Food for thought - Jamming yourself up

Let's just take a minute to chew on a chunk of Jam Up philosophy, specifically on what it means to Jam yourself up.

A Jam Up is most efficient when one entity jacks another. That said, there are classic cases of people jamming themselves up. Look to your right. Chris Webber jammed himself up hard in the 1993 NCAA Final Four by calling a timeout when his team had none.

(Another example is Joe Biden's recent suggestion that FDR was president during the 1929 stock market crash)

It could be argued that Webber jammed his team up, a valid argument I might add, but in the grand scheme of life C-Webb jammed himself up because he's never heard the end of it (Eric Montross with victory arms in the background of this photo does not help either.).

Webber looked like a major ass after this game, and has never lived it down. However, he did go on to be the No. 1 pick in the draft, Rookie of the Year, and an All-Star for the Wizards and Kings. He made upwards of $200M in his career and is still beloved in Sacramento where his crappy restaurant thrives.

So, the debate - did Webber really jam himself up? Did he just jam his team up? Is he being jammed up by the historical significance of his gaffe? Did he overcome the timeout as to make it less of a Jam Up?

What say you? Also, if you think it's a Jam Up, give it a rating.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin jammed up by Planned Parenthood donations

UPDATE: Here's a link to the e-mail that jams the VP hopeful up. The biggest part of the dirty work -- "Make a donation to Planned Parenthood. In Sarah Palin's name. And here's the good part: when you make a donation to PP in her name, they'll send her a card telling her that the donation has been made in her honor."

Republican Vice President candidate and anti-abortionist Sarah Palin has been jammed up by a massive e-mail campaign asking people to donate to Planned Parenthood in the Alaska Guv's name.

And it has worked. If you look at the latest donations, Sarah Palin has donated $800,000 to Planned Parenthood.

Click here for a link to the story.

Cuban gets jammed up by Bubba

Being a Warriors fan, this is one of my favorite Jam Ups of all time: Mavericks owner Mark Cuban (goatee) getting jammed up by some dude in a J-Rich jersey.

Cuban got jammed up hard in this 2006-07 playoff series. Not only did his No. 1 seed Mav's lose to the No. 8 seed Warriors, he got blown up by his former coach Don Nelson (who would later jam Cuban up in a $6M lawsuit).

This photo is classic. A case of some average joe stuffing the back of Cube's head with a throwback jersey - at Cube's lowest point no less.

Code 4 on this one.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Caption this photo

This is a classic case of the Fisher Face. The commenter with the best caption will be the winner.

BTW: Code 1. The face calls for Code 3, but not enough detail - or a Jam Up suspect in the photo.

More from Wall Street

We have a Code 2 and a Code 3 here. Can you guess which is which?

The quarterback sack is always a Code 1

This is a photo of the Texans Travis Johnson obliterating Miami's Trent Green. A quarterback sack, by definition, is a jam up. A sack is the defense jamming up the offense (both the O-line and the QB). That said, it's part of the game, happens very frequently, and the defensive player always draws attention to himself after getting the sack.

Now, this pic has some thinking Code 2. Green, after all, was down with a concussion for several minutes as Johnson lumbered over him with dominance. However, the fact that Green is 180 pounds and Johnson is 300, hurting him doesn't add anything to the jam up.

Long story short. A QB sack is a jam up, but can never be rated as anything higher than a Code 1.

Beer Jam

Here's an interesting scenario. I'm calling it a Code 3.

Dude with the brew is obviously getting jammed up hard, and it appears here that Glasses is doing the dirty work.

Now, why just a Code 3? Well, we don't have significant evidence to indicate Glasses is aware she's jamming up Dude with the brew. Intent plays a huge role in jamming somebody up.

Also, there's a possibility that Dude with Brew is just drunk and fighting off a headache. But, it's more likely that Glasses just saw something she was happy with on the TV, and Dude with Brew just lost some sort of bet - or just hates what he sees altogether.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Street Jamming everybody up

Wall Street is indeed jamming up the entire nation right now, and it's all due to Mortgage brokers and banks jamming up Wall Street during the huge real estate boom in the early 2000's.

This photo by the AP (A Code 4 - I'll explain later) is one of many jam ups that can be found online today because the Dow dropped 700 points after the House denied Pres. Bush's $700 billion bailout plan

Why a Code 4? It's simple. The dude to the left is pointing (with slight smirk) to something that is obviously jamming up Blue Tie. The guy to the right of the Blue Tie is smirking, obviously in on the Jam Up. Gray beard may or may not be in the know. It's hard to tell.

Blue Tie's face is an obvious initial reaction. He may get more pissed, and it's highly doubtful he'll be laughing this off later.

The Gold Standard Jam Up

Welcome to The Jam Up, a blog dedicated to the art of jamming somebody up.

Wondering what a Jam Up is? Well the photo to the left is the best possible way to describe it. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, this photo uses each of those 1,000 words to their fullest potential.

This is the gold standard Jam Up. Chauncey Billups making Derek Fisher look like a total dweeb as the Pistons roll the Lakers in the NBA Finals.

For newcomers. Look at this photo and notice all elements:
  • Chauncey is quite pleased with himslef.
  • Chauncey's smile, and appears to be dancing a jig.
  • Fisher's look of total helplessness.
  • It happened on a national stage where the entire season was on the line.
If you ever have a question about what a Jam Up is, or should look like in its full glory. This is the fall-back standard. If ever there's doubt, think about Chauncey.